Twisted Citrus

THC 15% - 22%
CBD 0% - 1%
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Twisted Citrus is a sativa-dominant hybrid that delivers a surge of energy and creativity. Its uplifting effects stimulate the mind, making it ideal for combating stress and depression.

The strain's aroma is dominated by a sharp citrus fragrance, complemented by subtle earthy undertones. Upon consumption, users often experience a sense of happiness and relaxation without the sedative effects typical of indica strains.

This strain's lineage includes the invigorating Orange Crush and the renowned California Orange, combining to produce its distinct flavor profile and therapeutic benefits.

Strain Overview

Growing Difficulty
Seedling Time
2 weeks
Vegetative Time
4 weeks
Flowing Time
8-10 weeks
Potential Yield
Indoors: 400-500 grams/plant, Outdoors: 600-700 grams/plant

Genetic Background

Orange Crush

Orange Crush is a sativa-dominant hybrid known for its sweet, tangy citrus flavor and uplifting effects. This strain is a cross between California Orange and Blueberry, resulting in a balanced high that promotes creativity and euphoria. It's often used to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, making it a popular choice for daytime use.

California Orange

California Orange, also known as Cali-O, is a balanced hybrid that has been a staple in the cannabis community since the 1980s. It boasts a sweet, citrus aroma with hints of orange zest. The effects are typically uplifting and euphoric, providing a clear-headed high that is perfect for social situations or creative endeavors. This strain is also known for its potential to relieve stress and improve mood.

How to Grow

Setup and Equipment

Growing Space

Twisted Citrus thrives in a spacious environment that allows for ample growth both vertically and horizontally. A tent or room should have a minimum height of 7 feet to accommodate the stretch during flowering. The area should be free of clutter with reflective walls to maximize light exposure. Adequate space between plants is crucial to prevent mold and ensure air can circulate freely around each plant.


For Twisted Citrus, full-spectrum LED lights are optimal due to their efficiency and lower heat output. Positioning lights 18-24 inches from the canopy, adjusting as plants grow, promotes robust growth. During vegetative growth, 18 hours of light is ideal, shifting to 12 hours during flowering to trigger bud production.


Proper ventilation is vital for Twisted Citrus to prevent stagnant air that can harbor pests and diseases. An exhaust fan combined with passive intake vents or an active intake fan maintains air movement. Carbon dioxide enrichment can significantly boost growth and yield but requires a sealed environment and careful monitoring to be effective and safe.

Temperature and Humidity Control

Twisted Citrus prefers a temperature range of 68-77°F during the day, slightly cooler at night. Humidity should be maintained at 40-50% during flowering to prevent mold and enhance trichome production. A digital climate controller can maintain these conditions automatically.

Hydroponics vs. Soil

Hydroponics can accelerate Twisted Citrus growth, offering precise nutrient control and potentially larger yields. However, soil cultivation can enhance the strain's citrus and earthy flavors. Organic super soil, rich in nutrients, can maximize the strain's potential for both flavor and therapeutic effects.

Germination and Seedling Care

Transition to Vegetative Stage

Twisted Citrus, a sativa-dominant strain, requires a shift in light schedule to enter the vegetative stage. Transition from the initial 18-24 hours of light to 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. This mimics the long days of summer and promotes growth. Implement plant training techniques such as topping, which involves cutting the main stem to encourage lateral growth, and low-stress training (LST), which gently bends and ties down branches to expose more of the plant to light, increasing yield potential.


Regular maintenance is critical for Twisted Citrus. Pruning should focus on removing lower growth that receives little light, thus directing energy to the top colas. Defoliation, the removal of large fan leaves that shade bud sites, improves light penetration and air circulation. This process should be done gradually to avoid stressing the plant. Check for pests and diseases frequently, and apply organic preventive measures as needed to maintain plant health.

Flowering Triggers

To induce flowering in Twisted Citrus, alter the light schedule to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. This simulates the shorter days of autumn, triggering the plant to flower. Reduce humidity to 40-50% to prevent mold and mildew. Lowering the temperature, especially during the dark period, can also encourage flowering and enhance the terpene profile, resulting in the strain's characteristic citrus and earthy aroma.

Bloom Nutrients

During the flowering phase, Twisted Citrus benefits from a nutrient regimen high in phosphorus and potassium to support bud development. Reduce nitrogen levels as it is less critical in this stage. Feed with a bloom-specific nutrient solution according to the manufacturer's recommended schedule, usually starting with a lower concentration and increasing as the plant matures. Monitor the pH of the soil or hydroponic solution to maintain optimal nutrient uptake. Flush the medium with plain water two weeks before harvest to improve the final product's flavor and purity.

Vegetative and Flowering Stages

Transition to Vegetative Stage

Twisted Citrus, a sativa-dominant strain, requires a shift in light schedule to enter the vegetative stage. Transition from the initial 18-24 hours of light to 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. This mimics the long days of summer and promotes growth. Implement plant training techniques such as topping, which involves cutting the main stem to encourage lateral growth, and low-stress training (LST), which gently bends and ties down branches to expose more of the plant to light, increasing yield potential.


Regular maintenance is critical for Twisted Citrus. Pruning should focus on removing lower growth that receives little light, thus directing energy to the top colas. Defoliation, the removal of large fan leaves that shade bud sites, improves light penetration and air circulation. This process should be done gradually to avoid stressing the plant. Check for pests and diseases frequently, and apply organic preventive measures as needed to maintain plant health.

Flowering Triggers

To induce flowering in Twisted Citrus, alter the light schedule to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. This simulates the shorter days of autumn, triggering the plant to flower. Reduce humidity to 40-50% to prevent mold and mildew. Lowering the temperature, especially during the dark period, can also encourage flowering and enhance the terpene profile, resulting in the strain's characteristic citrus and earthy aroma.

Bloom Nutrients

During the flowering phase, Twisted Citrus benefits from a nutrient regimen high in phosphorus and potassium to support bud development. Reduce nitrogen levels as it is less critical in this stage. Feed with a bloom-specific nutrient solution according to the manufacturer's recommended schedule, usually starting with a lower concentration and increasing as the plant matures. Monitor the pH of the soil or hydroponic solution to maintain optimal nutrient uptake. Flush the medium with plain water two weeks before harvest to improve the final product's flavor and purity.

Harvesting and Curing

Harvest Signs

Twisted Citrus plants are ready for harvest when the trichomes, the resinous glands on the buds, shift from clear to a milky white color. This indicates peak THC levels. Additionally, the pistils, hair-like structures, should darken and curl inward. Use a magnifying glass to observe these changes closely for optimal harvest timing.

Harvesting Techniques

Begin by cutting the main stem at the base using sharp, sterilized scissors or shears. Remove large fan leaves to expose the buds. Proceed to trim the smaller sugar leaves that surround the buds, which can be saved for making concentrates. Cut the branches into manageable sections, ensuring each has several buds for efficient drying.

Drying and Curing

Hang the trimmed branches upside down in a controlled environment with temperatures around 60-70°F and humidity levels between 45-55%. Ensure good air circulation to prevent mold. Drying typically takes 7-14 days. Once stems snap rather than bend, buds are ready for curing. Place the buds in airtight containers, opening them daily for the first week to release moisture and replenish oxygen, known as 'burping.' Continue this process for 2-4 weeks to enhance the flavor and potency of the Twisted Citrus strain.


Store cured Twisted Citrus buds in airtight containers, such as glass jars, in a cool, dark place to preserve their quality. Avoid exposure to heat, light, and excessive air, which can degrade cannabinoids and terpenes. Check periodically for signs of mold or moisture and adjust storage conditions accordingly to maintain freshness.

Site Selection and Preparation


Selecting an optimal location is critical for the success of Twisted Citrus, a sativa-dominant strain. The site must receive ample sunlight, as cannabis thrives with at least six hours of direct sun per day. Protection from strong winds is essential to prevent physical damage to the plants and to reduce water loss. Additionally, privacy is important for security reasons and to comply with local regulations.

Soil Type and Preparation

Cannabis plants, including Twisted Citrus, flourish in well-draining soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. The soil should be rich in organic matter to support vigorous growth. Before planting, incorporate compost or aged manure to improve fertility. If the native soil is too dense, add perlite or vermiculite to enhance aeration and drainage. Test the soil pH and adjust accordingly using lime to raise the pH or sulfur to lower it.

Water Source

Consistent access to water is vital for cannabis plants, which require regular watering to maintain health and yield. If rainfall is inconsistent, setting up an irrigation system is beneficial. Drip irrigation conserves water and delivers it directly to the roots, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. Ensure the water source is clean and free from contaminants that could harm the plants. Monitor soil moisture and adjust watering schedules to avoid over or under-watering.

Planting and Early Care


Twisted Citrus, a sativa-dominant strain, thrives in climates that mirror its Mediterranean heritage. Begin planting outdoors after the last frost when the soil has warmed to at least 50°F, typically in late spring. For growers in cooler climates, aim for a window between May and June. In warmer regions, planting can extend into July. Monitor seasonal temperature shifts closely, as Twisted Citrus requires a full season of warm weather to fully develop its aromatic citrus profile and desired effects.

Planting Techniques

Transitioning Twisted Citrus seedlings or clones to the outdoor environment requires acclimatization to prevent shock. Gradually expose plants to outdoor conditions over a week. Space plants at least two feet apart to allow for ample air circulation and growth. Upon transferring, water generously to establish roots, then adjust to a regular watering schedule based on rainfall and soil moisture levels. Early morning watering is optimal to reduce evaporation and fungal growth.


Young Twisted Citrus plants are vulnerable to pests, animals, and extreme weather. Employ cloches or row covers for frost protection and to create a barrier against insects. Install fencing to deter animals. In areas with intense sun, use shade cloths to prevent leaf scorch. Regular inspections for pests and diseases are critical for maintaining plant health. Implement natural pest control methods and remove any affected foliage promptly to prevent spread.

Maintenance Through Growth Phases

Nutrient Management

Twisted Citrus requires a balanced nutrient regimen that shifts from nitrogen-rich mixtures during vegetative growth to phosphorus and potassium-heavy solutions as it enters the flowering stage. During early growth, focus on nitrogen to foster leaf and stem development. As flowering commences, gradually reduce nitrogen in favor of phosphorus to support bud formation and potassium to aid in the plant's overall functions and disease resistance. Regular soil testing can guide precise nutrient adjustments, and organic options like fish emulsion and bone meal can be beneficial for outdoor grows.

Weed and Pest Control

Organic pest control methods for Twisted Citrus include introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs to combat aphids and using neem oil as a natural pesticide. For disease prevention, proper spacing to promote air circulation and applying a baking soda solution can help prevent fungal growth. Chemical solutions should be a last resort, but if necessary, miticides and fungicides specifically labeled for cannabis can be applied with care to avoid contaminating the buds.

Pruning and Training

Pruning Twisted Citrus involves removing lower growth that receives little light to concentrate the plant's energy on top buds. Topping, cutting the main stem above a node, encourages bushier growth and more colas. Trellising supports the plant's structure and maximizes light exposure to all bud sites. Low-stress training, gently bending and tying branches, improves light penetration and air flow without stressing the plant. These techniques combined can significantly increase yield and overall plant health.

Harvesting and Curing

Timing the Harvest

To determine the optimal harvest time for Twisted Citrus, closely examine the trichomes and pistils. Trichomes should transition from clear to a milky white color, with some turning amber for a more sedative effect. Pistils will darken and curl, indicating maturity. Use a magnifying glass or jeweler's loupe to inspect these microscopic structures accurately. Harvesting at the right moment ensures the desired balance between potency and effect.

Harvesting Techniques

Efficient harvesting of Twisted Citrus involves clean, sharp scissors to cut the branches. Remove large fan leaves to access the buds more easily. Cut the branches into manageable sections, trimming away excess leaf material to enhance the buds' appearance and concentrate the cannabinoids. Work in sections to maintain organization and prevent damage to the delicate trichomes, which are crucial for potency.

Drying and Curing

Drying and curing Twisted Citrus outdoors or in non-controlled environments requires attention to humidity and temperature. Hang the trimmed branches upside down in a space with good air circulation, away from direct sunlight. Aim for a consistent temperature around 60-70°F (15-21°C) and humidity levels between 45-55%. This controlled environment prevents mold growth and preserves terpenes. Curing involves placing the dried buds in airtight containers, opening them daily to let fresh air in and excess moisture out, a process known as burping. This step is critical for developing the strain's full flavor profile and potency.


Proper storage of Twisted Citrus buds is vital for maintaining their potency and preventing mold. Store the cured buds in airtight containers, such as glass jars, in a cool, dark place. Avoid exposure to heat, light, and excessive air, which can degrade cannabinoids and terpenes. Check periodically for signs of mold or moisture, and if detected, remove affected buds immediately to prevent spread. Proper storage will preserve the strain's energetic and uplifting effects, along with its citrus and earthy flavors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of cannabis is Twisted Citrus?

Twisted Citrus is a Sativa-dominant strain known for its energizing and uplifting effects.

What are the primary effects of Twisted Citrus?

Users typically experience a surge of energy, enhanced creativity, and a sense of happiness and relaxation.

What flavors and aromas can be expected from Twisted Citrus?

This strain is characterized by a prominent citrus flavor with notes of orange and a subtle earthy undertone.

Is Twisted Citrus suitable for treating any medical conditions?

Twisted Citrus may be beneficial for individuals dealing with depression, stress, and ADD due to its uplifting effects.

Can Twisted Citrus be grown both indoors and outdoors?

Yes, Twisted Citrus can thrive in both indoor and outdoor environments, provided the appropriate growing conditions are met.

What is the flowering time for Twisted Citrus?

The flowering period for Twisted Citrus typically ranges from 8 to 9 weeks.

How does Twisted Citrus affect creativity?

Many users report an increase in creative thinking and the ability to approach tasks from new perspectives after consuming Twisted Citrus.

What is the THC content of Twisted Citrus?

The THC content of Twisted Citrus can vary, but it generally possesses a high THC level that contributes to its potent effects.

Are there any special considerations for cultivating Twisted Citrus?

Growers should maintain optimal environmental conditions and pay close attention to humidity and temperature to maximize the strain's potential.

How does Twisted Citrus compare to other Sativa strains?

Twisted Citrus stands out for its distinct citrus flavor profile and its ability to induce a balanced feeling of energy and calmness, which may differ from other Sativa strains that can sometimes lead to overstimulation.

Twisted Citrus

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