Purple Tangie

THC 17% - 22%
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Purple Tangie is a Sativa-dominant strain celebrated for its invigorating effects that can stimulate happiness, euphoria, and creativity. Its energy-boosting properties make it a suitable choice for combating fatigue and stress.

The strain exudes a vibrant citrus aroma complemented by a distinct orange flavor, with tropical undertones that delight the senses. Purple Tangie's lineage is a cross between the flavorful California Orange and the resinous Skunk strains, combining their best traits to produce a dynamic cannabis experience.

Its therapeutic potential is often harnessed by those looking to alleviate symptoms of depression, thanks to its uplifting effects.

Strain Overview

Growing Difficulty
Seedling Time
2 weeks
Vegetative Time
4 weeks
Flowing Time
9 weeks
Potential Yield
Indoors: 450-500 grams/plant, Outdoors: 600-700 grams/plant

Genetic Background

California Orange

California Orange, often referred to as Cali-O, is a balanced hybrid strain known for its sweet citrus aroma and flavor. This strain is cherished for its uplifting and euphoric effects, making it a popular choice for those seeking to enhance their mood and creativity. California Orange is also known for its ability to provide a gentle relaxation without heavy sedation, making it suitable for daytime use.


Skunk is a classic cannabis strain that has been a staple in the cannabis community for decades. Renowned for its pungent, earthy aroma with hints of sweetness, Skunk is a potent strain that delivers a balanced high, combining both cerebral stimulation and physical relaxation. Its robust resin production makes it a favorite among growers and consumers alike. Skunk's versatility and strong effects make it a foundational strain in many hybrid varieties.

How to Grow

Setup and Equipment

Growing Space

Purple Tangie thrives in a spacious environment that allows for its sativa-dominant growth pattern. A room or tent should have ample vertical space to accommodate the strain's tendency to stretch, with at least 6 feet in height. Horizontal space is equally important to prevent overcrowding and to facilitate air flow around the plants. Reflective walls or surfaces can help maximize light exposure to the lower branches.


Full-spectrum LED lights are recommended for Purple Tangie to support its vigorous growth and potent bud production. Positioning LEDs 18 to 24 inches from the canopy, adjusting as the plants grow, will provide intense, energy-efficient illumination. For growers preferring High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights, ensure a wattage that corresponds to the size of the grow space, typically 600 to 1000 watts for a standard grow tent.


Proper ventilation is critical for Purple Tangie to maintain plant health and bolster yields. A combination of exhaust fans and oscillating fans will promote air exchange and prevent hotspots, while introducing fresh carbon dioxide that is vital for photosynthesis. Supplemental CO2 systems can further benefit growth rates and yield in a well-sealed grow room.

Temperature and Humidity Control

Purple Tangie requires a temperature range of 68 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, slightly cooler at night. Humidity should be controlled between 40-50% during vegetative growth and reduced to 30-40% during flowering to prevent mold and mildew. Consistent monitoring and adjustment of environmental conditions are paramount for optimal terpene and cannabinoid development.

Hydroponics vs. Soil

Hydroponic systems can accelerate Purple Tangie's growth by providing nutrients directly to the roots and allowing for greater oxygen uptake. This method can result in faster vegetative growth and larger yields. Soil, on the other hand, can contribute to the complexity of the terpene profile, offering a more pronounced flavor. Organic super soil, rich in nutrients, can maximize the strain's potential for both flavor and potency.

Germination and Seedling Care

Transition to Vegetative Stage

As Purple Tangie transitions from seedling to vegetative stage, adjust the light schedule to 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness to promote growth. Implement plant training techniques such as topping and low-stress training (LST) to encourage a bushier canopy and increase light exposure to lower branches, optimizing yield potential.


Regular pruning is essential to maintain airflow and light penetration throughout the Purple Tangie plant. Remove lower growth that receives little light to focus the plant's energy on top growth. Defoliation should be performed cautiously to remove only necessary leaves and avoid stressing the plant. Monitor for pests and diseases, and apply organic preventive measures as needed.

Flowering Triggers

To induce flowering in Purple Tangie, switch the light schedule to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. This mimics the natural reduction in daylight hours and triggers the plant to enter the flowering phase. Lower nighttime temperatures slightly to encourage the development of the strain's characteristic purple hues. Maintain stable humidity and avoid light leaks during dark periods to prevent stress that can lead to hermaphroditism.

Bloom Nutrients

During the flowering phase, Purple Tangie requires a nutrient solution with higher levels of phosphorus and potassium to support bud development. Reduce nitrogen intake to prevent leafy growth over bud production. Implement a feeding schedule that includes bloom boosters and supplements according to the manufacturer's recommendations, adjusting for plant response and soil tests to prevent nutrient burn or deficiencies.

Vegetative and Flowering Stages

Transition to Vegetative Stage

As Purple Tangie transitions from seedling to vegetative stage, adjust the light schedule to 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness to promote growth. Implement plant training techniques such as topping and low-stress training (LST) to encourage a bushier canopy and increase light exposure to lower branches, optimizing yield potential.


Regular pruning is essential to maintain airflow and light penetration throughout the Purple Tangie plant. Remove lower growth that receives little light to focus the plant's energy on top growth. Defoliation should be performed cautiously to remove only necessary leaves and avoid stressing the plant. Monitor for pests and diseases, and apply organic preventive measures as needed.

Flowering Triggers

To induce flowering in Purple Tangie, switch the light schedule to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. This mimics the natural reduction in daylight hours and triggers the plant to enter the flowering phase. Lower nighttime temperatures slightly to encourage the development of the strain's characteristic purple hues. Maintain stable humidity and avoid light leaks during dark periods to prevent stress that can lead to hermaphroditism.

Bloom Nutrients

During the flowering phase, Purple Tangie requires a nutrient solution with higher levels of phosphorus and potassium to support bud development. Reduce nitrogen intake to prevent leafy growth over bud production. Implement a feeding schedule that includes bloom boosters and supplements according to the manufacturer's recommendations, adjusting for plant response and soil tests to prevent nutrient burn or deficiencies.

Harvesting and Curing

Harvest Signs

To determine if Purple Tangie plants are ready for harvest, observe the trichomes under a magnifying glass. When these tiny resin glands shift from clear to a milky white color, with some turning amber, it's time to harvest. Additionally, the pistils should darken and curl inward. These visual cues indicate peak THC levels and optimal harvest timing for this strain.

Harvesting Techniques

Harvesting Purple Tangie requires sharp, sterilized scissors to make clean cuts without damaging the plant. Cut the branches individually, removing excess leaves to expose the buds. This selective trimming allows for better airflow and light penetration, which is critical for the drying process. Handle the buds gently to preserve trichomes and overall potency.

Drying and Curing

Drying should occur in a controlled environment with temperatures around 60-70°F and humidity levels at 45-55%. Hang the trimmed branches upside down in a dark room with good air circulation. This process typically takes 7-14 days. Once stems snap rather than bend, curing begins. Place the buds in airtight containers, opening them daily for the first week to release moisture and replenish oxygen. Continue this for 2-4 weeks to develop the flavor and potency of the Purple Tangie strain.


Store cured Purple Tangie buds in airtight containers, such as glass jars, in a cool, dark place to preserve their quality. Avoid exposure to heat, light, and excessive air, which can degrade cannabinoids and terpenes. Proper storage will maintain the strain's happy, euphoric, and energetic effects, along with its citrus and orange flavors.

Site Selection and Preparation


Selecting an optimal location for Purple Tangie cultivation is crucial for its growth and yield. The site must receive ample sunlight, as this strain thrives in bright conditions, promoting photosynthesis and robust development. Protection from strong winds is essential to prevent physical damage to the plants and to reduce water loss through evapotranspiration. Additionally, privacy is important for security reasons and to comply with local regulations regarding cannabis cultivation.

Soil Type and Preparation

Purple Tangie flourishes in soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0, which allows for optimal nutrient uptake. The soil should be well-draining with a loamy texture, rich in organic matter to support its vigorous growth. To prepare the site, integrate compost, worm castings, and perlite to improve fertility and aeration. Regular soil testing can guide amendments to maintain the ideal conditions for this sativa strain.

Water Source

Consistent access to water is vital for Purple Tangie, as irregular watering can stress the plants and affect their development. If the area lacks sufficient rainfall, setting up an irrigation system is necessary to deliver water directly to the root zone. Drip irrigation is efficient, conserving water and reducing the risk of fungal diseases by keeping foliage dry. Ensure the water source is clean and free from contaminants to promote healthy growth.

Planting and Early Care


For Purple Tangie, a sativa-dominant strain, outdoor planting should align with the last frost date in your climate zone to avoid cold damage. In most temperate regions, this falls between late April and early May. Monitor seasonal temperature shifts closely; Purple Tangie thrives in warm environments with ample sunlight. In tropical climates, planting can occur year-round due to consistent weather conditions.

Planting Techniques

Begin by acclimatizing Purple Tangie seedlings or clones to outdoor conditions through a process called hardening off. Gradually increase their exposure to sunlight and outdoor temperatures over 7-10 days. When transferring outdoors, space plants at least 2 feet apart to allow for adequate air circulation and growth expansion. Water the plants deeply immediately after planting to establish root moisture, which is critical for initial growth.


Young Purple Tangie plants are vulnerable to pests, animals, and harsh weather. Use cloches or row covers to shield them from excessive sun or cold snaps. Install fencing to deter animals. For pest control, apply organic insecticides or introduce beneficial insects. Regularly inspect plants for signs of stress or infestation and act promptly to mitigate any issues.

Maintenance Through Growth Phases

Nutrient Management

Outdoor Purple Tangie plants require a balanced diet of nutrients that shifts with their growth stages. During the vegetative phase, a higher nitrogen content supports foliage growth. Transition to a phosphorus-rich formula to promote robust flowering in the blooming stage. Potassium is critical throughout to aid in plant metabolism and overall health. Adjust pH levels of the soil to between 6.0 and 7.0 to optimize nutrient uptake.

Weed and Pest Control

Organic pest control methods include introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs to combat aphids and using neem oil as a natural pesticide. For fungal diseases, apply a baking soda and water mixture as a preventative measure. Chemical solutions should be a last resort, but if necessary, use targeted insecticides and fungicides, ensuring they are safe for use on cannabis and applied according to manufacturer instructions to prevent harm to the plant and environment.

Pruning and Training

Pruning Purple Tangie involves removing lower growth to focus the plant's energy on top buds. Topping, cutting the main stem above a node, encourages bushier growth and more colas. Implement trellising to support the plant and maximize light exposure to lower buds. Low-stress training, gently bending and tying branches, improves air circulation and light penetration, crucial for preventing mold and increasing yield.

Harvesting and Curing

Timing the Harvest

To determine the optimal harvest time for Purple Tangie, a sativa strain, closely monitor the trichomes and pistils. Trichomes should transition from clear to a milky white color, with some turning amber, indicating peak THC levels. Pistils will darken and curl, with a majority shifting from white to orange or brown. These visual cues suggest the plant has reached full maturity and is ready for harvest.

Harvesting Techniques

Efficient harvesting of Purple Tangie involves clean, sharp scissors to cut the branches. Remove large fan leaves to access the buds more easily. Cut the branches into manageable sections, keeping the buds intact. This method helps preserve trichomes and ensures maximum yield and potency. Handle the buds gently to avoid trichome damage, which can diminish the quality of the final product.

Drying and Curing

Drying and curing Purple Tangie outdoors or in non-controlled environments requires attention to humidity and temperature. Hang the trimmed branches upside down in a space with good air circulation, away from direct sunlight. Ideal conditions are 60-70°F (15-21°C) with 45-55% humidity. After drying, when stems snap rather than bend, cure the buds in airtight containers. Open the containers several times a day for the first week to allow moisture to escape and prevent mold. Continue curing for 2-4 weeks to enhance flavor and potency.


Store Purple Tangie buds in airtight containers, such as glass jars, to maintain potency and prevent mold. Keep the containers in a cool, dark place to avoid degradation from light and heat. Check periodically for signs of mold or moisture, and use humidity control packs to maintain a stable environment inside the storage containers. Proper storage will preserve the happy, euphoric, and energetic effects along with the citrus and orange flavors characteristic of Purple Tangie.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of cannabis is Purple Tangie?

Purple Tangie is a Sativa-dominant strain known for its uplifting and energizing effects.

What are the effects of Purple Tangie?

Consumers report feeling happy, euphoric, energetic, relaxed, and creative after using Purple Tangie.

What flavors and aromas can be expected from Purple Tangie?

Purple Tangie typically exhibits flavors and aromas of citrus, orange, and tropical fruits.

What conditions is Purple Tangie commonly used for?

This strain is frequently used to alleviate symptoms of depression, stress, and fatigue.

Is Purple Tangie suitable for beginners?

Due to its potent effects, novice users should approach Purple Tangie with caution and start with a low dose.

How does Purple Tangie compare to other Sativa strains?

Purple Tangie stands out for its vibrant citrus flavor profile and its ability to induce a strong sense of euphoria and energy.

Can Purple Tangie be grown both indoors and outdoors?

Yes, Purple Tangie can thrive in both indoor and outdoor environments, provided the grower maintains optimal conditions.

What is the flowering time for Purple Tangie?

The flowering period for Purple Tangie is typically around 9 to 10 weeks.

What is the THC content of Purple Tangie?

The THC content of Purple Tangie can vary, but it generally ranges from moderate to high levels.

How should Purple Tangie be stored to maintain freshness?

To maintain freshness and potency, store Purple Tangie in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

Purple Tangie

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