Ogre Berry

THC 15% - 20%
CBD 0% - 1%
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Ogre Berry is an Indica-dominant hybrid, celebrated for its ability to induce a state of blissful relaxation coupled with a focused mindset. Its effects often culminate in drowsiness, making it ideal for evening use.

The strain exudes a rich blueberry aroma with underlying berry and earthy notes, providing a sensory experience that complements its tranquilizing properties. Ogre Berry is particularly effective against stress, depression, and physical discomfort.

Its genetic lineage stems from the crossbreeding of Island Strawberry Afghani and Ogre, resulting in a potent and flavorful offspring.

Strain Overview

Growing Difficulty
Seedling Time
4 weeks
Vegetative Time
4 weeks
Flowing Time
8-9 weeks
Potential Yield
Indoors: 400-500 grams/plant, Outdoors: 600-700 grams/plant

Genetic Background

Island Strawberry Afghani

Island Strawberry Afghani is a hybrid strain known for its sweet, fruity aroma reminiscent of fresh strawberries. This strain combines the robust, resinous qualities of Afghani genetics with the delightful flavors of strawberry, resulting in a balanced experience that offers both relaxation and a gentle uplift. It's often used to alleviate stress and anxiety, making it a popular choice for those seeking a flavorful yet calming strain.


Ogre is an Indica-dominant strain renowned for its powerful sedative effects and earthy, citrusy aroma. This strain is a favorite among those looking to unwind after a long day, as it promotes deep relaxation and can lead to drowsiness. Ogre is particularly effective in managing pain, insomnia, and stress, making it a versatile option for evening use. Its robust genetic profile contributes to the potent effects and rich flavors found in its offspring, such as Ogre Berry.

How to Grow

Setup and Equipment

Growing Space

Ogre Berry thrives in a spacious environment that allows for its bushy, indica-dominant growth pattern. A room or tent should be at least 5 feet in height to accommodate the plant's stature and provide ample space for lateral branching. The area should be equipped with reflective walls to maximize light exposure and have enough room for growers to move around for plant maintenance.


For Ogre Berry, full-spectrum LED lights are recommended due to their energy efficiency and lower heat output. Positioning the lights 18 to 24 inches from the canopy will promote robust growth. During the vegetative stage, a 18/6 light cycle is optimal, shifting to a 12/12 cycle to induce flowering.


Air circulation is critical for Ogre Berry to prevent mold and pests. An exhaust fan combined with oscillating fans will maintain air movement. Introducing a carbon dioxide enrichment system can significantly boost growth and yield, but proper calibration is crucial to avoid toxicity.

Temperature and Humidity Control

Ogre Berry prefers a temperature range of 68-77°F during the day, with a slight drop at night. Humidity should be controlled around 40-50% during the flowering phase to prevent bud rot. Consistent monitoring and adjustment of environmental conditions are key to maintaining plant health.

Hydroponics vs. Soil

While soil is a forgiving medium that can enhance Ogre Berry's earthy flavors, hydroponics can accelerate growth and increase yields. Hydroponic systems require precise nutrient management but can result in cleaner, more potent buds. The choice of medium should align with the grower's experience level and desired outcomes.

Germination and Seedling Care

Transition to Vegetative Stage

The Ogre Berry strain requires a shift in light schedule to promote vegetative growth. Transition plants from an 18/6 to a 24/0 light schedule, providing continuous light to stimulate growth. Implement plant training techniques such as low-stress training (LST) to encourage a wider canopy and topping to promote multiple main colas. This will maximize light exposure and air circulation, leading to a healthier plant and increased yield.


Pruning and defoliation are critical for maintaining Ogre Berry plants. Remove lower growth that receives little light to focus the plant's energy on top growth. Regularly check for and remove dead or yellowing leaves to prevent mold and pests. Ensure adequate spacing between plants to facilitate air flow and reduce the risk of disease.

Flowering Triggers

To induce flowering in Ogre Berry, change the light schedule to 12/12, providing equal parts light and darkness. This mimics the natural reduction in daylight hours and triggers the flowering phase. Adjust the environment by reducing humidity to 40-50% and maintaining a temperature range between 68-78°F. These conditions are critical for bud development and will help prevent mold and bud rot.

Bloom Nutrients

During the flowering phase, Ogre Berry plants require a different nutrient profile with higher phosphorus and potassium levels to support bud growth. Introduce bloom-specific nutrients at the manufacturer's recommended dosage and follow a feeding schedule that aligns with the plant's flowering stage. Reduce nitrogen intake as it's less critical during bloom and can deter bud development. Monitor the plant's response and adjust nutrient levels accordingly to prevent nutrient burn or deficiency.

Vegetative and Flowering Stages

Transition to Vegetative Stage

The Ogre Berry strain requires a shift in light schedule to promote vegetative growth. Transition plants from an 18/6 to a 24/0 light schedule, providing continuous light to stimulate growth. Implement plant training techniques such as low-stress training (LST) to encourage a wider canopy and topping to promote multiple main colas. This will maximize light exposure and air circulation, leading to a healthier plant and increased yield.


Pruning and defoliation are critical for maintaining Ogre Berry plants. Remove lower growth that receives little light to focus the plant's energy on top growth. Regularly check for and remove dead or yellowing leaves to prevent mold and pests. Ensure adequate spacing between plants to facilitate air flow and reduce the risk of disease.

Flowering Triggers

To induce flowering in Ogre Berry, change the light schedule to 12/12, providing equal parts light and darkness. This mimics the natural reduction in daylight hours and triggers the flowering phase. Adjust the environment by reducing humidity to 40-50% and maintaining a temperature range between 68-78°F. These conditions are critical for bud development and will help prevent mold and bud rot.

Bloom Nutrients

During the flowering phase, Ogre Berry plants require a different nutrient profile with higher phosphorus and potassium levels to support bud growth. Introduce bloom-specific nutrients at the manufacturer's recommended dosage and follow a feeding schedule that aligns with the plant's flowering stage. Reduce nitrogen intake as it's less critical during bloom and can deter bud development. Monitor the plant's response and adjust nutrient levels accordingly to prevent nutrient burn or deficiency.

Harvesting and Curing

Harvest Signs

To determine if Ogre Berry plants are ready for harvest, observe the trichomes under a magnifying glass. When these tiny resin glands shift from clear to a milky white color, with some turning amber, it's time to harvest. Additionally, the pistils should darken and curl inward. These visual cues indicate peak THC levels and optimal harvest timing for potency and effect.

Harvesting Techniques

Harvest Ogre Berry by cutting the main stem with sharp, clean shears. Work in sections, removing large fan leaves first. Then, delicately trim sugar leaves to expose the buds' surface. This careful trimming preserves trichomes and maintains the strain's effects and flavors. Cure the buds by hanging branches upside down in a controlled environment or using a drying rack if space is limited.

Drying and Curing

Dry Ogre Berry buds in a room with 50-60% humidity and temperatures around 70°F. Ensure good air circulation without direct airflow on the buds to prevent uneven drying. After 7-10 days, when stems snap rather than bend, begin curing by placing the buds in airtight containers. Open the containers several times a day for the first week to release moisture and replenish oxygen. Continue curing for 2-4 weeks to develop the flavor and potency.


Store cured Ogre Berry buds in airtight containers away from light and heat to preserve their quality. Glass jars are ideal for maintaining freshness and preventing the degradation of cannabinoids and terpenes. Monitor humidity within the storage containers, maintaining it at 60-65% to prevent mold growth and overdrying. Proper storage will sustain the happy, relaxed, and focused effects along with the blueberry, berry, and earthy flavors of the strain.

Site Selection and Preparation


Selecting an optimal location is critical for Ogre Berry cultivation. The site must receive ample sunlight, as cannabis plants require at least six hours of direct sun daily to thrive. Protection from strong winds is also essential to prevent physical damage to the plants and to reduce water loss through evaporation. Additionally, privacy is a key consideration to safeguard your crop from theft and to comply with local regulations regarding cannabis cultivation.

Soil Type and Preparation

Ogre Berry plants flourish in soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0. The soil texture should be loamy, offering a balance of drainage and water retention. Nutrient-rich soil is vital, with an emphasis on nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. To prepare the site, amend the soil with organic matter such as compost to improve fertility. Testing the soil beforehand can guide the amendment process, ensuring the soil environment is conducive to healthy plant growth.

Water Source

A consistent water source is indispensable for maintaining Ogre Berry plants. If the area lacks sufficient natural rainfall, setting up an irrigation system becomes necessary. Drip irrigation is efficient, reducing water waste and minimizing the risk of fungal diseases by keeping foliage dry. The system should be adjustable to accommodate the changing water needs of the plants throughout their growth cycle. Regular monitoring of soil moisture will guide irrigation frequency and volume.

Planting and Early Care


For optimal growth, Ogre Berry should be planted outdoors after the last frost when soil temperatures consistently exceed 50°F, typically in late spring. In cooler climates, Zone 5 or lower, wait until late May or early June. Warmer regions, Zones 6 and above, can plant as early as mid-April. Monitor local weather forecasts to adjust planting times, avoiding unexpected cold snaps that can hinder plant development.

Planting Techniques

Begin by acclimating Ogre Berry seedlings or clones to outdoor conditions through a process called hardening off, gradually exposing them to the elements over 7-10 days. Dig holes larger than the root ball, spacing plants 4-6 feet apart to allow for ample growth. Position the plants in the holes, backfill with soil, and press gently around the base. Water thoroughly after planting to settle the soil around the roots and eliminate air pockets.


Young Ogre Berry plants are vulnerable to pests, animals, and harsh weather. Use cloches or row covers to shield plants from excessive sun or cold. Install fencing to deter animals. For pest management, apply neem oil or introduce beneficial insects like ladybugs. Regular inspections for signs of stress or damage will guide timely interventions to maintain plant health.

Maintenance Through Growth Phases

Nutrient Management

Outdoor Ogre Berry plants require a balanced feeding regimen that adapts to their growth stages. During the vegetative phase, focus on nitrogen-rich fertilizers to promote foliage growth. As the plant transitions to the flowering stage, reduce nitrogen levels gradually and increase phosphorus and potassium to support bud development. Organic options like bone meal, bat guano, and worm castings can be beneficial. Regular soil testing can guide precise nutrient adjustments, preventing deficiencies or toxicities.

Weed and Pest Control

For organic pest management, neem oil and insecticidal soaps are effective against common cannabis pests like spider mites and aphids. Introducing beneficial insects such as ladybugs can control pest populations naturally. For diseases like powdery mildew, a baking soda and water mixture can act as a preventative foliar spray. Chemical solutions should be a last resort due to potential residue; however, miticides and fungicides can be used sparingly if infestations are severe and persistent.

Pruning and Training

Pruning Ogre Berry plants by removing lower growth can enhance air circulation and reduce moisture-related issues. Topping, cutting the main stem above a node, encourages bushier growth and more colas. Implementing trellising provides support for heavy buds and maximizes light penetration. Low-stress training, gently bending and securing branches, can expose more bud sites to sunlight without stressing the plant. These techniques optimize plant structure for improved yield and health.

Harvesting and Curing

Timing the Harvest

To determine the optimal harvest time for Ogre Berry, closely examine the trichomes and pistils. Trichomes should transition from clear to a milky white color, with some turning amber for peak THC levels. Pistils, initially white, will darken and curl inward. Harvesting when most trichomes are milky and 70-90% of pistils have changed color will result in the highest potency and desired effects.

Harvesting Techniques

Efficient harvesting of Ogre Berry involves clean, sharp scissors to cut the branches. Remove large fan leaves to expose the buds. Cut branches into manageable sections, keeping a careful eye on trichome damage to maintain potency. A gentle handling approach preserves the delicate trichomes, ensuring maximum yield and cannabinoid concentration.

Drying and Curing

Drying and curing Ogre Berry outdoors or in non-controlled environments requires attention to humidity and temperature. Hang branches upside down in a space with good air circulation, away from direct sunlight, maintaining a humidity level of 45-55% and a temperature around 70°F. This process typically takes 7-14 days. Curing involves placing the dried buds in airtight containers, opening them daily for the first week to release moisture and check for mold. Continue curing for 2-4 weeks to develop flavor and aroma.


Store Ogre Berry buds in airtight containers, such as glass jars, in a cool, dark place to maintain potency and prevent mold. Avoid plastic bags or containers that can cause static and trichome degradation. Regulate humidity within the storage containers using humidity control packs to preserve freshness and prevent mold growth. Check periodically for any signs of degradation or moisture buildup.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of cannabis strain is Ogre Berry?

Ogre Berry is an Indica-dominant hybrid strain.

What effects can be expected after consuming Ogre Berry?

Users typically report feelings of happiness, relaxation, focus, sleepiness, and occasional giggles.

What flavors and aromas are associated with Ogre Berry?

This strain is known for its blueberry, berry, and earthy notes.

Is Ogre Berry suitable for treating certain conditions?

Ogre Berry may be beneficial for individuals dealing with stress, depression, and pain.

What is the THC content in Ogre Berry?

The THC content can vary, but Ogre Berry generally has a high THC level.

Can Ogre Berry be used during the day?

Due to its relaxing and sleepy effects, Ogre Berry might be better suited for evening or nighttime use.

How does Ogre Berry affect focus?

Some users report enhanced focus, making it potentially useful for concentration-requiring tasks.

Is Ogre Berry a good choice for novice cannabis users?

Given its potent effects, novice users should start with a small dose to gauge their tolerance.

What growing conditions does Ogre Berry prefer?

Ogre Berry thrives in controlled indoor environments but can also be grown outdoors with proper care.

How long is the flowering period for Ogre Berry?

The flowering period for Ogre Berry typically ranges from 7 to 9 weeks.

Ogre Berry

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