Master Kush

THC 16% - 24%
CBD 0% - 1%
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Master Kush is a predominant Indica strain revered for its potent sedative effects. Originating from the Hindu Kush region, this strain delivers a profound sense of relaxation, often leading to happiness and euphoria, before culminating in drowsiness and upliftment.

Its flavor profile is characterized by a blend of earthy, pungent, and woody notes, making it a favorite for those looking to alleviate stress, anxiety, and pain. The lineage of Master Kush can be traced back to two landrace strains from different parts of the Hindu Kush region, Hindu Kush and Skunk #1.

Strain Overview

Growing Difficulty
Seedling Time
2 weeks
Vegetative Time
4-6 weeks
Flowing Time
8-10 weeks
Potential Yield
Indoors: 400-500 grams/plant, Outdoors: 500-600 grams/plant

Genetic Background

Hindu Kush

Hindu Kush is a pure Indica landrace strain that hails from the mountainous region between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Known for its resinous buds and earthy, sweet aroma, Hindu Kush offers a deeply relaxing experience, making it ideal for stress relief and pain management. Its hardy genetics have made it a popular choice for breeding other potent strains.

Skunk #1

Skunk #1 is a hybrid strain that has been a cornerstone in the cannabis world since its development in the 1970s. It combines genetics from Afghani, Acapulco Gold, and Colombian Gold, resulting in a balanced blend of Indica and Sativa effects. Skunk #1 is celebrated for its pungent, skunky aroma and its ability to provide a euphoric and uplifting high, often accompanied by a sense of relaxation.

How to Grow

Setup and Equipment

Growing Space

Master Kush thrives in a medium-sized growing space that allows for its bushy, lateral growth. A tent or room should provide ample vertical space for light penetration and air flow, with at least 5 feet in height. The area should be equipped with reflective walls to maximize light exposure to the lower branches.


High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lights, specifically High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) lamps, are recommended for Master Kush during the flowering stage for their spectrum and intensity, which promote dense bud development. During vegetative growth, Metal Halide (MH) lamps are beneficial for their cooler light spectrum. LED lights can be used as an energy-efficient alternative, with full-spectrum panels to support the plant through all growth stages.


Proper air circulation is critical to prevent mold and pests, with an oscillating fan to simulate natural breezes. Carbon dioxide enrichment can significantly increase growth rates and yields, but should be monitored to maintain appropriate levels, especially during the flowering phase when Master Kush's respiration increases.

Temperature and Humidity Control

Master Kush prefers a temperature range of 68-80°F during the day and 5-10 degrees cooler at night. Humidity should be controlled around 40-50% during the flowering stage to prevent mold and optimize resin production. During vegetative growth, a slightly higher humidity of 55-70% is acceptable.

Hydroponics vs. Soil

Hydroponics can accelerate Master Kush's growth by providing nutrients directly to the roots and allowing more oxygen uptake. However, soil cultivation can enhance the strain's earthy and woody flavors. Organic super soil, rich in nutrients, can maximize the strain's potential for therapeutic effects against stress, anxiety, and pain.

Germination and Seedling Care

Transition to Vegetative Stage

Master Kush, an Indica strain, requires a light schedule adjustment to enter the vegetative stage. Shift from an 18/6 to a 24/0 light schedule to promote vigorous growth. Implement plant training techniques such as low-stress training (LST) to increase light exposure and airflow, which can lead to a higher yield. Avoid high-stress techniques that may stunt the growth of this particular strain.


Pruning Master Kush involves removing lower growth that receives little light to focus the plant's energy on the top buds. Defoliation should be done sparingly to maintain plant health, removing only the leaves that are dead or blocking light to budding sites. Regular checks for pests and diseases are critical for maintaining plant vigor.

Flowering Triggers

To induce flowering in Master Kush, change the light schedule to 12/12 (12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness). This mimics the natural reduction in daylight hours and triggers the flowering phase. Lower humidity levels to 40-50% and maintain a temperature range between 68-79°F (20-26°C) to support optimal flowering conditions.

Bloom Nutrients

During the flowering phase, Master Kush benefits from increased phosphorus and potassium to support bud development. Reduce nitrogen levels as it is less critical in this stage. Follow a feeding schedule that aligns with the plant's flowering cycle, gradually increasing nutrient concentration as buds mature, then tapering off as harvest approaches.

Vegetative and Flowering Stages

Transition to Vegetative Stage

Master Kush, an Indica strain, requires a light schedule adjustment to enter the vegetative stage. Shift from an 18/6 to a 24/0 light schedule to promote vigorous growth. Implement plant training techniques such as low-stress training (LST) to increase light exposure and airflow, which can lead to a higher yield. Avoid high-stress techniques that may stunt the growth of this particular strain.


Pruning Master Kush involves removing lower growth that receives little light to focus the plant's energy on the top buds. Defoliation should be done sparingly to maintain plant health, removing only the leaves that are dead or blocking light to budding sites. Regular checks for pests and diseases are critical for maintaining plant vigor.

Flowering Triggers

To induce flowering in Master Kush, change the light schedule to 12/12 (12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness). This mimics the natural reduction in daylight hours and triggers the flowering phase. Lower humidity levels to 40-50% and maintain a temperature range between 68-79°F (20-26°C) to support optimal flowering conditions.

Bloom Nutrients

During the flowering phase, Master Kush benefits from increased phosphorus and potassium to support bud development. Reduce nitrogen levels as it is less critical in this stage. Follow a feeding schedule that aligns with the plant's flowering cycle, gradually increasing nutrient concentration as buds mature, then tapering off as harvest approaches.

Harvesting and Curing

Harvest Signs

Master Kush reaches harvest readiness when its trichomes display a milky white color, with some turning amber. This indicates peak THC levels. Pistils should be mostly brown, and the plant's overall foliage may begin to fade, signifying the end of its life cycle. Use a magnifying glass to inspect trichomes closely for the optimal harvest window.

Harvesting Techniques

Harvest Master Kush by cutting the main stem at the base using sharp, sterilized scissors. Hang the entire plant upside down in a controlled environment to maintain integrity. For trimming, remove fan leaves and snip sugar leaves close to the buds. This technique promotes better airflow and reduces moisture retention, preventing mold during the drying process.

Drying and Curing

Dry Master Kush buds by hanging them in a room with 50% humidity and a temperature around 70°F. Ensure consistent air circulation without direct wind on the buds. After 7-10 days, when stems snap rather than bend, begin curing. Place buds in airtight containers, opening them daily for the first week to release moisture and replenish oxygen. Continue for 2-4 weeks to develop flavor and potency.


Store Master Kush in a cool, dark place in airtight containers, such as glass jars, to preserve freshness and quality. Keep containers away from direct sunlight and fluctuating temperatures to maintain cannabinoid and terpene profiles. Use humidity packs to sustain an ideal humidity level, preventing mold and over-drying.

Site Selection and Preparation


Selecting an optimal location for Master Kush cultivation is critical. The spot must receive ample sunlight, as this strain thrives with plenty of direct light. Protection from strong winds is essential to prevent physical damage to the plants and to reduce water loss. Privacy is also a key consideration to safeguard the grow area from unwanted attention and to comply with local regulations.

Soil Type and Preparation

Master Kush requires well-draining soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0. The soil texture should be loamy, promoting adequate water retention and drainage. Nutrient content is vital, with a balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Amend the soil with organic matter like compost to improve fertility and structure. Preparing the site involves tilling the soil to aerate it, ensuring roots can penetrate deeply and establish a strong foundation for the plants.

Water Source

A consistent water source is indispensable for Master Kush to flourish. In regions where natural rainfall is inconsistent, setting up an irrigation system is necessary. This system should deliver water evenly to the root zone, avoiding excess moisture that can lead to root rot. Drip irrigation is a preferred method, as it conserves water and minimizes the spread of foliar diseases by keeping the leaves dry.

Planting and Early Care


Master Kush thrives when planted outdoors after the last frost, typically in late spring. In cooler climates, aim for a window between May and June. Warmer regions can plant as early as late March. This timing allows Master Kush to benefit from the full growing season, avoiding cold temperatures that can stunt growth or cause damage.

Planting Techniques

Begin by acclimatizing seedlings or clones to outdoor conditions through a process called hardening off. Gradually increase their exposure to sunlight and outdoor temperatures over a week. When transferring outdoors, space plants at least two feet apart to allow for ample growth. Water the plants deeply after planting to establish roots, avoiding over-saturation.


Young Master Kush plants are vulnerable to pests, animals, and harsh weather. Use cloches or row covers for frost protection and to create a barrier against insects. Fencing is effective for deterring animals. In areas with strong winds or heavy rain, consider temporary shields or strategic placement near natural windbreaks.

Maintenance Through Growth Phases

Nutrient Management

Master Kush, an Indica strain, thrives with a balanced feeding regimen that adapts to its growth cycle. During the vegetative stage, focus on nitrogen-rich fertilizers to support foliage development. Transition to phosphorus and potassium-heavy nutrients as flowering commences to promote robust bud formation. Outdoor growers must adjust feeding schedules based on rainfall and soil fertility, reducing nutrient concentrations if natural water sources dilute the soil solution. Consistent pH monitoring is critical to maximize nutrient uptake and prevent deficiencies.

Weed and Pest Control

For Master Kush grown outdoors, integrated pest management begins with preventative measures such as selecting disease-resistant genetics and maintaining a clean environment. Organic options, like neem oil and insecticidal soaps, effectively combat pests like spider mites and aphids without harming beneficial insects. For fungal issues, such as powdery mildew, apply sulfur-based fungicides or baking soda solutions. Chemical pesticides should be a last resort due to their environmental impact and potential to contaminate buds.

Pruning and Training

Pruning and training Master Kush can significantly increase yield and improve plant health. Topping, the process of cutting the main stem, encourages bushier growth and more colas. Implement trellising to support branches and maximize light penetration. Low-stress training, which involves gently bending and tying branches, optimizes sunlight exposure and air flow without stressing the plant. These techniques are vital for preventing mold and mildew in dense canopies, especially in outdoor settings where environmental conditions are variable.

Harvesting and Curing

Timing the Harvest

To determine the optimal harvest time for Master Kush, closely monitor trichome and pistil maturity. Trichomes should transition from clear to a milky white color, with some turning amber, indicating peak THC levels. Pistils will darken and curl inward. A magnifying glass or jeweler's loupe can aid in observing these subtle changes, signaling the plant's readiness for harvest.

Harvesting Techniques

Efficient harvesting of Master Kush involves cutting the plant at its base and hanging it upside down in a well-ventilated space. Remove large fan leaves to enhance airflow and concentrate the plant's energy on resin production in the remaining days. A careful hand-trimming of the buds post-harvest preserves trichomes and maximizes both yield and potency.

Drying and Curing

Drying and curing Master Kush outdoors or in non-controlled environments requires vigilance. Aim for a consistent temperature range between 60-70°F and humidity levels around 45-55%. Protect the drying cannabis from direct sunlight and rain, using a covered area with good air circulation. After drying, place the buds in airtight containers, opening them daily for the first week to release moisture and prevent mold. This process, known as burping, is critical for a proper cure.


Store Master Kush buds in airtight containers made of glass or food-grade stainless steel to maintain potency and prevent mold. Keep these containers in a cool, dark place to avoid degradation of cannabinoids and terpenes. Regularly check for excess moisture to prevent mold growth. Proper storage will preserve the quality and effects of the Master Kush strain.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of cannabis strain is Master Kush?

Master Kush is an Indica-dominant strain, known for its sedative effects and a strong sense of relaxation.

What effects can I expect from Master Kush?

Consumers of Master Kush typically report feelings of relaxation, happiness, euphoria, sleepiness, and an uplifted mood.

What flavors and aromas are associated with Master Kush?

Master Kush is characterized by its earthy, pungent, and woody flavors and aromas.

Is Master Kush suitable for relieving stress and anxiety?

Yes, Master Kush is often used to alleviate stress and anxiety due to its calming effects.

Can Master Kush help with pain management?

Due to its Indica properties, Master Kush is frequently used for pain relief, providing a soothing effect on the body.

How does Master Kush compare to other Indica strains?

Master Kush is distinguished by its potent sedative effects and is often favored for its ability to induce deep relaxation without heavy cerebral haziness.

What is the best time of day to use Master Kush?

Given its sedative qualities, Master Kush is best used in the evening or at night to aid in relaxation and sleep.

Is Master Kush a good choice for novice cannabis users?

Novice users should approach Master Kush with caution due to its potent effects, starting with a low dose to gauge tolerance.

How should Master Kush be stored to maintain its quality?

Store Master Kush in a cool, dark place in an airtight container to preserve its potency and flavor profile.

What growing conditions does Master Kush prefer?

Master Kush thrives in a controlled indoor environment with consistent temperatures and humidity levels, but it can also be grown outdoors in a warm, dry climate.

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