Green Crack

THC 15% - 25%

Green Crack is a potent sativa strain renowned for its invigorating effects. Users often experience a sharp surge in energy and focus, accompanied by a state of euphoria and happiness. Its flavor profile is a refreshing blend of earthy and citrus notes with a sweet finish.

This strain is particularly effective for combating stress, depression, and anxiety, promoting an uplifted mood and enhanced concentration. The lineage of Green Crack traces back to the sativa Skunk #1 and an unknown indica, contributing to its dynamic effects and flavor.

Strain Overview

Growing Difficulty
Seedling Time
2 weeks
Vegetative Time
4-6 weeks
Flowing Time
7-9 weeks
Potential Yield
Indoors: 450-500 grams/plant, Outdoors: 600-700 grams/plant

Genetic Background

Skunk #1

Skunk #1 is a legendary sativa-dominant hybrid that has been a cornerstone in the cannabis world since its creation in the 1970s. Known for its pungent aroma and robust effects, Skunk #1 delivers a balanced high that combines a sense of euphoria with deep relaxation. Its genetic stability and consistent performance have made it a popular choice for breeders and consumers alike.

Unknown Indica

The second parent of Green Crack is an unknown indica strain, which adds a layer of mystery to its lineage. This indica contributes to the strain's balanced effects, providing a subtle body relaxation that complements the energetic and uplifting properties inherited from Skunk #1. The unknown indica also plays a role in enhancing the flavor profile, adding depth to the earthy and sweet notes.

How to Grow

Setup and Equipment

Growing Space

Green Crack thrives in a space that allows for ample vertical and horizontal growth, as it tends to stretch during flowering. A room or tent with a height of at least 7 feet is ideal to accommodate the plant's stature and the necessary equipment. The area should be free from clutter and have reflective walls to maximize light exposure to the lower branches.


For Green Crack, full-spectrum LED lights are optimal due to their efficiency and lower heat output. Positioning lights 18-24 inches from the canopy, adjusting as plants grow, ensures intense, direct light without heat stress. A 600W HPS can also be effective, but requires more cooling.


Proper air circulation is critical to prevent mold and pests, with an oscillating fan to strengthen stems and an exhaust fan to maintain fresh air exchange. Carbon dioxide enrichment can significantly boost Green Crack's growth and yield but must be monitored to maintain levels that are safe and beneficial for the plants.

Temperature and Humidity Control

Green Crack prefers a temperature range of 70-85°F during the day and 65-70°F at night. Humidity should be kept between 40-50% during the vegetative phase and reduced to 30-40% during flowering to prevent mold and mildew. Consistent monitoring and adjustment are key to maintaining these conditions.

Hydroponics vs. Soil

Hydroponics can accelerate Green Crack's growth and allow precise nutrient management, leading to larger yields. However, soil cultivation can enhance the strain's aromatic profile and is more forgiving to fluctuations in pH and nutrients. Both methods require diligent care to maximize the strain's potential.

Germination and Seedling Care

Transition to Vegetative Stage

Green Crack's transition to the vegetative stage requires a light schedule adjustment to 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. This mimics the long days of summer and promotes vigorous growth. Plant training techniques such as topping and low-stress training (LST) are effective at this stage. Topping involves cutting the main stem to encourage lateral growth, while LST gently bends and ties down branches to expose more of the plant to light, promoting an even canopy and increased yield potential.


Regular maintenance of Green Crack during the vegetative phase includes pruning and defoliation to improve air circulation and light penetration. Pruning should focus on removing lower growth that receives little light, known as lollipopping, to direct energy to the top colas. Strategic defoliation, removing select fan leaves that shade bud sites, is crucial for maintaining optimal plant health and maximizing light exposure to budding sites.

Flowering Triggers

To induce flowering in Green Crack, the light schedule must shift to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, simulating the shorter days of autumn. This change in photoperiod triggers the plant to enter the flowering phase. Environmental conditions should be adjusted to maintain a slightly cooler temperature and optimal humidity levels to support bud development and prevent mold or mildew. Careful monitoring of these conditions is critical for a successful flowering stage.

Bloom Nutrients

During the flowering phase, Green Crack requires a specific nutrient regimen high in phosphorus and potassium to support bud formation and development. A reduced nitrogen intake is also necessary as the plant's growth focus shifts from foliage to flowers. Feeding schedules should include bloom boosters to promote larger, denser buds and should be adjusted according to the plant's response, with careful attention to avoid nutrient burn or deficiencies.

Vegetative and Flowering Stages

Transition to Vegetative Stage

Green Crack's transition to the vegetative stage requires a light schedule adjustment to 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. This mimics the long days of summer and promotes vigorous growth. Plant training techniques such as topping and low-stress training (LST) are effective at this stage. Topping involves cutting the main stem to encourage lateral growth, while LST gently bends and ties down branches to expose more of the plant to light, promoting an even canopy and increased yield potential.


Regular maintenance of Green Crack during the vegetative phase includes pruning and defoliation to improve air circulation and light penetration. Pruning should focus on removing lower growth that receives little light, known as lollipopping, to direct energy to the top colas. Strategic defoliation, removing select fan leaves that shade bud sites, is crucial for maintaining optimal plant health and maximizing light exposure to budding sites.

Flowering Triggers

To induce flowering in Green Crack, the light schedule must shift to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, simulating the shorter days of autumn. This change in photoperiod triggers the plant to enter the flowering phase. Environmental conditions should be adjusted to maintain a slightly cooler temperature and optimal humidity levels to support bud development and prevent mold or mildew. Careful monitoring of these conditions is critical for a successful flowering stage.

Bloom Nutrients

During the flowering phase, Green Crack requires a specific nutrient regimen high in phosphorus and potassium to support bud formation and development. A reduced nitrogen intake is also necessary as the plant's growth focus shifts from foliage to flowers. Feeding schedules should include bloom boosters to promote larger, denser buds and should be adjusted according to the plant's response, with careful attention to avoid nutrient burn or deficiencies.

Harvesting and Curing

Harvest Signs

Green Crack plants are typically ready for harvest when 70-90% of the pistils have darkened and curled in. Trichomes should be checked with a magnifying glass; harvest time is optimal when trichomes are milky white with some turning amber. Leaves may also yellow, indicating the plant's energy is focusing on bud maturation.

Harvesting Techniques

Harvest Green Crack by cutting the main stem with sharp, sterilized scissors. Hang the whole plant upside down in a controlled environment or snip individual branches. Trim away excess leaves to expose the buds, which concentrates the plant's energy into resin production for increased potency and better flavor profiles.

Drying and Curing

Dry Green Crack buds by hanging them upside down in a room with 50% humidity and temperatures around 70°F. Air circulation is crucial; use fans to prevent mold. Drying should take about a week until stems snap rather than bend. Cure the buds by placing them in airtight containers, opening them daily for the first week to let out moisture and then less frequently over the course of a month. This process will enhance the terpene profile and overall potency.


Store Green Crack buds in airtight containers away from direct sunlight and in a cool, dry place to maintain freshness and potency. Use containers that are just the right size for the amount of cannabis to minimize air exposure. Consider humidity control packs to maintain optimal moisture levels and prevent mold or overdrying.

Site Selection and Preparation


Selecting an optimal location is critical for Green Crack's growth. The area must receive ample sunlight, as this strain thrives in bright conditions. Shielding plants from strong winds is essential to prevent physical damage and stress. Additionally, privacy is a key consideration to protect the crop from theft and comply with local regulations.

Soil Type and Preparation

Green Crack prospers in soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. The soil should be well-draining with a loamy texture, rich in organic matter to support its vigorous growth. To improve soil quality, incorporate compost, worm castings, and perlite. Begin site preparation by clearing debris and loosening the soil to facilitate root growth.

Water Source

Consistent hydration is vital for Green Crack, necessitating a dependable water source. In regions lacking sufficient rainfall, setting up an irrigation system is crucial. This system should deliver water directly to the roots, avoiding foliage to reduce the risk of mold and mildew. Regularly check soil moisture to maintain optimal hydration levels.

Planting and Early Care


Green Crack is a sativa-dominant strain that thrives in warm, consistent climates. Plant outdoors after the last frost when soil temperatures consistently exceed 15°C (59°F). In most temperate regions, this typically aligns with late spring. For growers in tropical or subtropical zones, planting can occur almost year-round, avoiding the wet season to reduce mold risks.

Planting Techniques

Transition Green Crack seedlings or clones outdoors by first acclimatizing them to the natural environment over a week. Gradually increase their exposure to outdoor conditions to prevent shock. Space plants at least 1 meter apart to allow for ample air circulation and sunlight penetration. Upon planting, water the soil thoroughly to settle roots and establish initial moisture levels conducive to growth.


Shield Green Crack plants from pests and animals with physical barriers such as netting or fencing. Apply organic pest deterrents early to prevent infestations. For weather protection, employ cloches or row covers during unexpected cold snaps or to moderate intense midday heat. These measures will promote a healthy growth cycle and safeguard young plants from environmental stressors.

Maintenance Through Growth Phases

Nutrient Management

Green Crack thrives with a balanced feeding regimen that adjusts as the plant matures. During the vegetative stage, focus on nitrogen-rich fertilizers to support leafy growth. Transition to phosphorus and potassium-heavy nutrients during flowering to promote robust bud development. Calibrate pH levels between 6.0 and 7.0 for optimal nutrient uptake. Outdoor growers must account for local soil composition and amend accordingly to maintain a consistent feeding schedule.

Weed and Pest Control

Organic pest control methods include introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs to combat aphids and using neem oil as a natural pesticide. For fungal issues, apply a baking soda and water mixture to affected areas. Chemical solutions should be a last resort, but products containing pyrethrin can effectively manage severe infestations. Regularly inspect plants for signs of stress or disease and act promptly to mitigate spread.

Pruning and Training

Pruning Green Crack involves removing lower growth to enhance air flow and light penetration, which is critical for preventing mold and mildew. Topping, cutting the main stem above a node, encourages bushier growth and more colas. Implement trellising to support the plant structure and distribute weight evenly. Low-stress training, gently bending and securing branches, optimizes plant shape for maximum light exposure without causing significant stress to the plant.

Harvesting and Curing

Timing the Harvest

To determine the optimal harvest time for Green Crack, closely examine the trichomes and pistils. Trichomes should transition from clear to a milky white color, with some turning amber for peak THC levels. Pistils, initially white, will darken and curl inward. A magnifying tool aids in assessing trichome maturity accurately. Harvesting when trichomes are mostly milky with a mix of amber will capture Green Crack's energetic and euphoric effects.

Harvesting Techniques

Efficient harvesting of Green Crack involves clean, sharp scissors to cut the branches. Remove large fan leaves to expose the buds, then trim sugar leaves to enhance potency concentration. Hang branches upside down in a ventilated space to promote even drying. Harvest in stages if the plant matures unevenly, selecting only the ripe buds to maximize overall yield and maintain consistent quality.

Drying and Curing

Dry Green Crack buds by hanging them in a space with controlled humidity around 45-55% and temperatures between 60-70°F. Avoid direct sunlight and maintain good air circulation without blowing air directly on the buds. Curing requires placing dried buds in airtight containers, opening them daily to exchange air and check for mold. This process, lasting a few weeks, will refine the flavors and effects of the strain. In outdoor or uncontrolled environments, protect the drying space from weather fluctuations and pests.


Store Green Crack buds in airtight containers, such as glass jars, in a cool, dark place to preserve their potency and prevent degradation. Regulate humidity within the storage containers using humidity control packs to maintain around 62%. This level prevents mold growth and preserves the terpene profile responsible for the strain's earthy, citrus, and sweet flavors. Regularly inspect the buds for mold or moisture and consume within six months for best results.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of cannabis strain is Green Crack?

Green Crack is a sativa-dominant strain known for its energizing effects.

What effects can I expect from Green Crack?

Users typically experience a boost in energy, happiness, focus, and euphoria after consuming Green Crack.

What flavors and aromas does Green Crack have?

Green Crack is characterized by its earthy, citrus, and sweet flavor profile.

Is Green Crack suitable for treating medical conditions?

Green Crack may be beneficial for individuals dealing with stress, depression, and anxiety.

Can Green Crack be used during the day?

Yes, due to its stimulating effects, Green Crack is often recommended for daytime use.

How does Green Crack affect focus and concentration?

Green Crack is reputed to enhance focus and concentration, making it a popular choice for tasks requiring mental clarity.

Is Green Crack a good choice for novice cannabis users?

Due to its potent effects, novice users should start with a low dose to gauge their sensitivity.

What is the THC content in Green Crack?

The THC content in Green Crack can vary, but it generally ranges from moderate to high levels.

How should Green Crack be stored to maintain its quality?

Store Green Crack in a cool, dark place in an airtight container to preserve its potency and flavor.

What growing conditions does Green Crack prefer?

Green Crack thrives in a controlled environment with consistent temperatures and humidity levels, but it can also be grown outdoors in a warm, Mediterranean-like climate.

Green Crack

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